Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I will eventually get to something about the second grade part of my life....but I think you are probably supposed blog about that which speaks loudest in your mind...as long as it is appropriate for your audience.... which leads me to my 43rd Birthday.....  Or my 43rd year or....THE YEAR I GOT OLD....actually I have gotten old in a matter of months - or days - possibly minutes....43 is getting off to a bumpy start is what it is....

Already in the last month I have had multiple conversations with doctors about parts of my body that I well...don't like to talk about in the first place.   I finally get that all cleared up... Then today, they called AGAIN!  I love my doctor and I would be more than glad to buy both she and her nurse lunch if they like me so much as to want to spend this much time talking to me on the phone.  Pick the place but stop calling me for medical reasons....Well the good news was that my cholesterol levels were AMAZING (in a good way) but apparently my thyroid has gone on vacation...?  So I get to try some magic pills.  Now I say they are magic because I already feel pretty darn good.  I do Tabata 3 times a week.  I've been swimming regularly.  But these pills are supposed to make me feel BETTER!!   I am actually really curious...After I perused the list of symptoms of low-thyroid....and determined that I probably have 2 of the 20 or so ambiguous symptoms....(at least on a consistent basis....)  I can't wait!  I am going to be a whole new me!!

So maybe 43 is the year I get young again!!  There are always blessings in disguise....NOW...if I can get a pill for the Homework Monster - I will be BLISSFUL!!!

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